Advanced (fastest way)

List of physical addresses, their values in RU's and what do they do.

This way is quite simple but requires previous knowledge how to use Cheat Engine. So do this to get started and just input these addresses manually in Cheat Engine. (Warning: Your addresses might be different. Preferred method is to use Cheat Engine to scan for addresses. You have been warned, so don't mail me or whine that it doesn't work. Also, sometimes when you start  new game, the addresses won't be 09DFF*** but 09E9F***. As long as you do it from save, they won't change). So, here's list of addresses.

Things pickable with lander

Physical addressNameValue RU/piece
09DFF9BECommon metals3
09DFF9C2Rare earth5
09DFF9C4Precious metals6
09DFF9C8Tzo crystals25
Things that you can trade with melnorme and credits you'll get
09DFF9B8Biological data *2 or 3

Things not pickable with lander

Physical addressNameValue RU/piece
005FC5D0Crew3 or 1
09DFF8D9Lander crew (not working!)none

That's it for now.

*Check here for details about trading with Melnorme and limitations of biological data.